How Outsourcing IT Can Save You Money - STG

How Outsourcing IT Can Save You Money

If you clicked on this video, you are probably struggling with your business’s IT. Whether that means you’re paying too much for an in-house person or have no idea where to start, this one’s for you. Here’s how outsourcing IT can save you money. 

Let’s get into it. 

What is Outsourced IT?

When I talk about outsourced IT, I am specifically referring to the idea of hiring a managed service provider. 

A Managed Service Provider or an MSP takes full care of your business’s IT without having to hire in-house.

In the IT world, it’s common to hear that MSP’s will save you money. But do you know how they can save your money?

As a business owner myself, I recognize that you have a lot on your plate. If you are going to invest in a service, it better provide the maximum amount of return for your business.

Fortunately for you, there are a variety of ways in which working with an MSP will help improve your bottom line. 

Outsourced IT Helps Lower Overhead Costs

Let’s first get into how outsourcing your IT will lower your overhead costs. 

Your overhead expenses, especially when it comes to IT will include hardware, software, and technical support. This is the first aspect where an MSP can help save you money.

MSPs have spent years building relationships with various vendors and developers.

Due to these relationships they can get you the best price on a range of products and services, including devices for your staff, security, and cloud support. 

On top of that, an MSP can offer 24/7 maintenance and monitoring for each of these products and services. 

Think of this aspect like insurance. Instead of spending thousands of dollars each time you have an issue, you pay your MSP a flat monthly rate for full-time tech assistance.

Giving You Access to Affordable Expertise

Besides your overhead cost, hiring an MSP will give you access to advanced expertise for an affordable price. 

When a small business hires an in-house tech, they are limited to the expertise of that individual. Plus the more experienced the individual is, the higher the salary they require. 

An MSP on the other hand, is like onboarding an entire team of techs with multiple levels of expertise for a fraction of the cost of one person’s salary. 

Imagine having a team of several IT professionals at your disposal, each with a specific set of abilities and credentials.

Most small businesses choose to work with an MSP because they don’t have to pay numerous salaries to access the expertise of a team of IT specialists. 

Even businesses operating at the corporate level benefit from an MSP. Partnering with an IT service provider gives you the option to hire the IT specialists who best serve the needs of the company while leaving the more technical issues to the MSP.

Reducing Downtime for your Business

There is nothing worse than slowing down an entire day of business all because of some issue with your main computer. 

On average. A single minute of downtime will cost small to medium sized businesses over $5,600 dollar. Even more for corporate level companies. 

Downtime can negatively impact your employees, clients and your entire business. An MSP will prevent any unnecessary downtime by monitoring your network 24/7. 

When a technician detects any sort of issue, they can address the problem immediately which can reduce downtime and save you a lot of money.  

Enhancing the Security of Your Business

In my personal opinion, the best way an MSP saves your business money is by being on top of its security.

Recovering from a cyberattack can be a major business expense. And too many small businesses believe they are “too small” to become a target. 

This simply is not the case. A cyberattack can happen to a business at any size, and can be especially  devastating for small businesses. 

While cybercrime can be difficult to prevent all together, an MSP is equipped with the tools and experience to create a strong security infrastructure within your network. 

Having a good cybersecurity set up will keep you protected and reduce the chances of becoming a victim of an attack immensely.

An MSP provides businesses with a range of security services including endpoint detection and firewalls. 

Boosting Overall Productivity

When your systems and devices are working properly, your employees work better. When your employees work better, overall productivity improves.

If IT issues constantly interrupt employees during work, it negatively effects their mood and negatively effects your bottom line.  

Working with an MSP means you can relax knowing that your network is being maintained and monitored at all times. 

Your employees are more productive when they only have to focus on doing their jobs and not worrying about IT related issues. 


There are plenty of how outsourcing IT can save you money, whether it’s by reducing company downtime or protecting your network from a massive threat.

Check out our recent YouTube video where we talk about The Top 5 Situations that Call for an MSP.

To find out more information about how a Managed Service Provider could save your business money, feel free to book a time to chat with us via the Calendly link below. I’d be happy to discuss ways to optimize your company’s IT.

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute meeting with Stan Kats, our Founder and Chief Technologist.

STG IT Consulting Group proudly provides IT Service for Small to Medium Businesses in Greater Los Angeles. We’d love to see if we can help you too!


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