Protect Your Business with Cybersecurity Training - STG

Protect Your Business with Cybersecurity Training

Have you ever considered that your biggest cybersecurity risk is your employees? Unfortunately, this is the reality for most executives. It’s time to protect your business with cybersecurity training before it’s too late

In the world of cybersecurity, it is absolutely essential for businesses to educate their employees on the topic. They payoff can save you from massive financial loss among other things. 

The Alarming Disconnect for Employees

Imagine having a fortress with strong walls, guarded gates, and an impenetrable moat, only to leave the back door wide open. 

Sounds ridiculous, right? 

Well, that’s what’s happening in many businesses today. 

According to a recent study by CyberRisk Alliance, 75% of IT professionals use secure email gateways to monitor and manage emails on corporate networks. 

But here’s the catch: Despite these strong endpoint security measures, human error remains the weakest link in the chain. 

A Growing Cyber Threat

Let’s take a closer look at the threats and risks businesses are facing when they don’t educate their employees about cybersecurity.

The CyberRisk study reveals that three out of five respondents admit to having one or more compromised endpoints in the last year. Which is a lot.

Hackers target desktops, mobile devices, and servers.  And here’s the kicker: 59% of respondents believe that only three-quarters of their endpoints receive 24/7 monitoring.

That means a significant portion of devices is operating off the grid, exposing them to vulnerabilities.

The Solution – Employee Awareness Training

There’s a solution that can literally save your business from potential cyber disasters. It’s investing in cybersecurity training for your employees.

By partnering with a trusted IT Service Provider or a Managed Service Provider, you can provide your employees with the knowledge and tools they need to be your first line of defense against cyber threats. 

The Essential Components 

So, what are the essential components of cybersecurity training for your employees?

First, enforcing multifactor authentication (MFA) and strong password practices are a must.

These create strong barriers against unauthorized access. 

Second, security awareness training is crucial. Your employees need to know how to recognize phishing attempts and other common cyber traps.

And don’t forget about endpoint security tools! Many businesses are incorporating AI and machine learning-based approaches to stay ahead of cybercriminals. 

The time to act on this is now.

Employee negligence and carelessness are the top challenges when it comes to securing endpoints. Businesses cannot afford to ignore this critical aspect of cybersecurity any longer!

If you’re an executive or business owner, click the link below to learn more about how to protect your business from cyber threats.

Check out our last video! ➡️ Google Chrome’s Real-Time Phishing Protection

If it’s time to assess your business’s IT infrastructure and implement robust security awareness training, feel free to set up a call with one of our expert technicians via the Calendly link below. We’d be happy to discuss solutions with you.

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute meeting with Stan Kats, our Founder and Chief Technologist.

STG IT Consulting Group proudly provides IT Services for Small to Medium Businesses in Greater Los Angeles. We’d love to see if we can help you too!

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