When is the Right Time to Outsource IT? - STG

You clicked on this post because you want to know “when is the right time to outsource IT.”

Many companies do their best to cover all aspects of the business amongst their team, but there are few that have the bandwidth in-house needed to handle current computing skills.

STG InfoTech will break down the main benefits of outsourcing your business’s IT, along with deciding when the right time to do so is. 

Let’s get into it 

Understanding Outsourced IT

In most cases, when you’re thinking of outsourced IT, you’re probably referring to the services of a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP).

An MSP is equipped to handle multiple categories of a business’s technology, and offer plenty of solutions. 

Here are the most common solutions they cover:

Network Security

One of the largest benefits of outsourcing to an IT service is their ability to safeguard your security. 

By working with an MSP, you can protect your network from online threats. Nothing can be more destructive in the world of computing and e-commerce than a security breach against your system. 

Offsite IT providers are experts in this field and are always up-to-date on the latest security protocol, keeping them one step ahead of potential attacks. 

Network Implementation and Maintenance 

For many SMBs, the process of installing and updating system programs can be a very time-consuming and sometimes confusing job.

Stay focused on your normal day-to-day tasks when you have an MSP at your disposal. 

Offsite IT services specialize in the installation of software programs and the implementation of networks. 

Monitoring, maintenance, and protection are some of the things we as MSPs do on a daily basis. Meaning it takes us a fraction of the time it would take an internal team. 

Troubleshooting Support

It’s inevitable for problems to occur on-site, and when they do, an outsourced service will either walk you through any issue or personally show up to handle it.

Your team will have access to support from IT professionals who understand how to resolve each and every computing issue that could occur. 

System and File Backup

A huge issue we solve for a lot of our clients is moving important files and data into a cloud-based storage solution. 

When everything is backed up and encrypted in the cloud, it provides peace of mind. All your digital files are available whenever and for as long as you need. 

When is the Right Time to Outsource IT?

Now that you know the benefits of outsourcing your company’s IT, you want to know when it’s the right time to make the transition. 

To put it simply, if your business is experiencing a loss in revenue from downtime due to hardware and software issues, now is the time to switch. Here are some of those scenarios:

If You Have No Internal IT

An MSP is an excellent solution if your business is too small to establish an internal IT department or you simply want to save money by going without a full IT staff. 

With outsourced IT, they can handle the duties of an internal department for a fixed monthly price as opposed to paying high wages for a single in-house team salary. 

The best part is the service is better than what you would generally find among a group of IT applicants. 

If You Have an In-House IT Department or Director

Outsourcing IT can even benefit your business if it already has an internal team. An MSP is a service that can handle ongoing daily IT tasks. 

We can be made responsible for software updates, security patches, security warnings, file encryption, and compliance while your in-house team concentrates on computer operation. 

When an MSP handles the never-ending network computing concerns, your internal staff is free to focus on the tasks most applicable to your company.

You’re Ready to Save Money

Technology aside, the financial aspect of outsourcing IT has its benefits. 

When you outsource your IT, you can assign in-house resources to handle your company’s everyday needs more effectively. 

When you hire IT personnel internally, it can be very expensive. An expert in the field requires at least a 6 figure salary. 

The services you receive from an MSP are less expensive because you pay for the service month-to-month, and you’re equipped with an entire team of IT professionals, usually for less than the cost of one staff member. 

You Want Your Technology Supported by the Best

Let’s face it, technology is expensive. Whether it’s the latest hardware or software, it can quickly run up a hefty bill when you’re trying to buy it in-house. 

An MSP is already equipped with best-in-class technology. We have to. 

So, instead of having to pay a fortune to install the latest tech setup at your facility, you can access the same remotely for a reasonable monthly fee. 

The best part is, you don’t even have to take the time and resources to train your staff on this technology, because your MSP will perform all the necessary operational tasks. 

And if you do find yourself wanting to buy hardware and software, your MSP will have nurtured vendor relationships to ensure you get the best price.

If any of these scenarios apply to you, it might be time to look into some managed IT solutions. 

As always, I’d love to get your thoughts on this. What IT challenges are impacting your business? Let me know in the comments below.

Check out our last video, where we discuss the Recent GoDaddy Source Code Hack.

Looking for outsourced IT solutions in your area? Feel free to set up a call with me via the Calendly link below. I’d be happy to discuss custom solutions for you.

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute meeting with Stan Kats, our Founder and Chief Technologist.

STG IT Consulting Group proudly provides IT Services for Small to Medium Businesses in Greater Los Angeles. We’d love to see if we can help you too!

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