Outdated Tech Tool You Should Stop Using - STG

Outdated Tech Tool You Should Stop Using

One thing that will never change about technology is that it is always changing. Tools that were once useful, like Internet Explorer and Adobe Flash, now are not. New tools replace old once, and the cycle continues. There are a number of outdated tech tools you should stop using to prevent your computers from being exposed to attacks.

Let’s get into it.

Even when technology reaches its expiration date, it can still seem to function properly. But that doesn’t imply it’s safe to use. The possibility of a data breach is one of the major risks associated with employing outdated technology.

Older software and hardware do not receive important security updates necessary for proper function. Updates often fix recent and active system flaws. A devices becomes vulnerable to a cybersecurity compromise if there are no security patches left to install.

According to recent data, 1 out of every 3 data breaches were caused by unpatched system vulnerabilities.

Another reason to leave older technology behind is because it will leave you behind. Customers may lose faith and trust in your company if it appears to them that you are operating in the prehistoric era of tech.

Here are the main reasons you want to keep updating your technology:

  • It reduces the risk of data breaches and malware infections
  • You’ll be up to date on data privacy compliance requirements
  • Build good reputation and trust with customers
  • To be competitive in your market
  • Mitigate hardware and software compatibility issues
  • Improve employee productivity

Older systems are slow and hinder worker productivity. If you continue to utilize these methods, you risk losing good team members to frustration.

The same data survey found nearly half of employees would choose to leave their job due to poor technology.

Keeping up with a list of outdated tools is great way to avoid being left behind. Is your business still using any of these?

Outdated Tech Tools You Should Stop Using


Internet Explorer

Once upon a time, Internet Explorer (IE) was the most popular browser in the world. However, Google Chrome and other browsers gradually surpassed it. Microsoft has developed Edge as its successor.

With the release of Microsoft Edge in 2015, Microsoft began to phase out Internet Explorer. As of June 15th, 2022, all support for the browser has ended.

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash was another heavily in-use tool from the early 2000s. Millions of websites used this feature, because that’s all we had. Now, other programs can perform the animations and other cool tasks that Flash cannot. The lack of use has made Adobe discontinue the feature altogether.

As of January 1, 2021, the Adobe Flash Player no longer gets any support, including security updates. Do any of your machines still have this on them? If so, you should remove the Flash plugin from your browser.

Windows 7 and Earlier

We all loved Windows 7. It was a well function operating system, that is now extinct. Windows 10 and Windows 11 have come to replace 7 and are widely in use. Windows 7 OS has not seen support since the beginning of 2020.

This is an example of a tool that can technically still run, but is extremely hackable. Microsoft Windows operating system is a prize target for hackers. You can be sure that they are searching for those computers that are still using the outdated versions of Windows.

Mac OS Mojave and Earlier 

Macs and Macbooks are expensive, therefore people want to hold onto them for as long as they can. However, once updates for these devices stop working, it’s time to let go.

Apple no long supports MacOS 10.14 Mojave or earlier. If your device is stuck on this OS, you need an upgrade.

Oracle 18c Database

If your business runs on an Oracle database, make sure its the current version. You are exposing your data if you are using Oracle 18c or earlier. System vulnerabilities that are not patched are more likely to experience a data breach.

In June 2021, all support for the Oracle 18C Database was discontinued. If you are up to date, keep a look out for the next end-of-support-date. In April 2024, Oracle 19C and Oracle 21C will both stop receiving premium support.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Microsoft SQL is yet another well-liked database software. The mainstream support for SQL Server 2014 has already come to an end. Additionally, all support, including security updates, will end in July 2024.

As a result, you have a little bit longer to upgrade before you run the risk of missing out on security updates. However, it is preferable to upgrade as soon as possible. This gives ample time for testing and upgrading verification.

Get Help with Technology Upgrades and Risk Reduction

Hearing about the outdated tech tools you should stop using can be unsettling. Upgrading can be scary, particularly if everything has been functioning well. You might worry that a move or an update would result in complications. We can assist you with a seamless technological update and provide thorough testing afterwards. Set up a technology assessment right away.

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Click here to schedule a free 15-minute meeting with Stan Kats, our Founder, and Chief Technologist. 

STG IT Consulting Group proudly provides IT Service in Greater Los Angeles and the surrounding areas for all of your IT needs.


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