What to Avoid When Hiring a New IT Provider - STG

What to Avoid When Hiring a New IT Provider

In the past, we’ve gone over things to LOOK for when considering onboarding an IT Service Provider. If you’d like to check that video out, click here! 🙂

Today, let’s add to that conversation and discuss the things you should look out for… What to AVOID when hiring a new IT Provider.

7 things you should avoid when hiring a new IT Provider

1: Thinking you Need the Newest Tech 

…bottom line, you don’t!

Today we hear from a lot from marketers about how cutting-edge tech is going to solve all of your problems. Sometimes going virtual and having the newest cloud services can help some business practices. However, it’s not the one fix solution for everything.  

Make sure you don’t get wrapped up in the hype around new products.

Figure out whether or not your IT provider can meet your goals before making a financial commitment. As a customer, it’s your responsibility to know what you’re getting into when you sign up for a new service.

2: Forgetting to Consider Response Times

It is ESSENTIAL to verify the response times of prospective IT providers. You should ask how long they typically take to respond to requests and resolve issues. Additionally, evaluate how efficient their onsite support is.

Another big mistake is failing to inquire about their availability. Your IT team should be available when you need them.

Regular monitoring and availability will help to early detect IT issues. Promptly, this allows the provider to instantly apply patches and updates to minimize the impact of something going wrong.

Furthermore, your IT provider should provide easy access to their help desk. You should be able to contact them immediately via email, phone, or chat.

3: Overlooking the Security Offerings

Ignoring your IT provider’s security features is probably the biggest mistake you could make. Teams that lack adequate defense measures will be unable to protect your system from cyberattacks. This raises the danger of data loss and access to resources.

To avoid this, look for IT services that offer malware and other threat protection. Additionally, they must place a premium on safeguarding your business’s confidential data, such as trade secrets and client information.

When it comes to specific security measures, an IT provider should be equipped with tools that immediately identify and prevent data invasions. Phishing attack simulations, web content filtering, DNS security, endpoint protection, mobile device management, and dark web protection should all be included on the list.

Moreover, responsible teams should identify and eliminate point-of-sale and network intrusions prior to compromising your system. Also, assuring they respect all security standards and regulations is critical.

4: Ignoring your Budget

Lots of IT companies operate on a pay-as-you-go basis. While you would assume it reduces expenses, having a large number of technologies that run together without factoring what the recurring costs are, will cripple your finances.

If I can tell you anything, it’s to think before signing on the dotted line.

Do your research and create a budget with the assistance of a professional. These actions can help you avoid significant frustration down the road.

5: Not Considering if it’s Scalable

One of the most serious hurdles to growing a business is selecting an IT provider with limited scalability.

In comparison, scalable IT services enable your organization to expand and evolve. They can continuously expand their services to meet your business’s objectives, even if these objectives change.

6: Neglecting to Train your Team

Finding and partnering with a reliable IT provider is only the beginning. Having the newest technology does not automatically increase profits and decrease outputs.

To achieve your goal, you must train your employees to understand your new tech solution.  Remember that not every team member can readily learn new tools. Some might even prefer the old ones.

Train them by hiring IT specialists. These experts can help you simplify complicated tasks and maximize your new investment.

Furthermore, some companies put up regular training but neglect to track team progress. This prevents you from evaluating your employee’s response to new technologies.

So use surveys and other feedback methods to identify and correct any flaws.

And Finally,

7: Not Doing Research

IT providers are similar to other products and services. A refusal to check past reviews might lead to disappointment.

Analyze the IT team’s capabilities by looking at their past clients in related industries. Look for reviews and testimonials, and ask for examples of past work.

Do your homework, and get know if an IT provider will be the right fit for your firm.

Remember that every IT team is unique. For example, they may be well-versed in healthcare yet have little retail expertise. 

Overall, there are numerous benefits to hiring an IT Service Provider, the trick is just to find the right fit. This list of what to look out for should help you on your quest to finding one.

So, there you have it, 7 things to avoid when hiring a new IT Provider.  We’d love to help you get started with finding an IT provider that’s right for you. Feel free to book an appointment with us here at STG IT Consulting Group. We’re here to help! 

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute meeting with Stan Kats, our Founder and Chief Technologist.

STG IT Consulting Group proudly provides IT Service in Greater Los Angeles and the surrounding areas for all of your IT needs.

We look forward to meeting with you!


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