Elevate Your Business with the Best AI Tools of 2024  - STG

Elevate Your Business with the Best AI Tools of 2024 

Let’s face it, the future of Artificial Intelligence is now, so don’t get left behind. There are plenty of benefits to using AI in your business, but what tools are right for you? How can artificial intelligence set you up for a prosperous year? In this post, we’re delving into how to elevate your business with the best AI tools of 2024. 

Business AI Tools to Consider


First up, let’s talk about an obvious one. ChatGPT. 

Created by OpenAI, this conversational chatbot is more than just hype; it’s a versatile tool that can help with everything from writing blogs and suggesting email improvements to analyzing your website and even doing advanced math. 

Think of it as your virtual Swiss Army knife for business creativity.  

But remember, it should help you with these tasks, not completely take them over. 

ChatGPT excels in understanding and responding to natural language, and it provides responses that are contextually relevant to you. Which you can expand and revise on a topic without having to rewrite your starting point. 

Microsoft Copilot 

Now, if you’re deep into the Microsoft ecosystem, Microsoft Copilot might be a game-changer for you. 

With Microsoft owning 49% of OpenAI, Copilot is now integrating ChatGPT’s functionalities.  

Imagine analyzing spreadsheets, creating templates, updating presentations, and having it attend Teams meetings for you. It’s like having your AI co-pilot as an assistant in the office.  

Google Bard/Duet 

Google has been a long-time major contributor in the AI race, building a company synonymous with search. 

As the AI market heated up, they announced their own conversational AI chatbot, Google Bard, in February 2023. 

Since then, Google Bard has been updated with Google’s latest and most sophisticated large language model, PaLM 2. One differentiating perk is that it offers an interactive voice assistant feature for a more engaging experience.  

Plus, it seamlessly syncs with other Google products.

Crayon AI 

Here’s a tool that will speak to our creative spirits – Crayon AI. 

If you ever need art, photos, or drawings for your business, Crayon AI can be your new go-to.  

It generates images directly from your text descriptions. Perfect for spicing up your website or promotional content. 

Crayon AI excels in generating a variety of high-quality images, drawings, and graphics from textual descriptions.


If your business is content-centric, you’ll love this next tool, Heywire.ai. 

This powerful content generator uses AI to glean information from the internet and automatically turns it into compelling stories, articles, and blog posts.  

Heywire.ai leverages real-time, journalistically validated data for accurate and trustworthy content creation.  

It’s like having a personal content wizard, helping you establish thought leadership and even adopting different ‘personalities’ for your content creation. 


Have you ever come across a pretty lengthy video and thought, “I don’t have time for this”? Well, Eightify solves that problem. 

This AI app watches videos for you and then summarizes them into specific points of interest, mainly focusing on valuable information. 

This enhanced information absorption is ideal for business owners looking to stay informed on various topics efficiently. 

It’s truly a time-saving solution.  


For all my fellow writers out there, it might be time to try out Temi. It’s a powerful AI-driven transcription service. 

You upload audio or video recordings, and within minutes, Temi transcribes it into words – and it’s close to flawless.  

This feature is great for creators hoping to make their content more accessible without having to spend hours on it. 

Now your YouTube videos, TikToks, Reels, and so on can be quickly and accurately transcribed. 


Need to create a professional form for your business? Enter Feathery. 

This AI tool uses its capabilities to create sleek, professional-looking forms in just minutes.  

You can save and edit forms as you create them, and even tailor them to a specific business requirement all through a natural language interface. 

Being able to create forms with an elegant and professional design will enhance user experience. 


Preparing for a job interview or client meeting? Interview.ai has your back. 

This AI tool walks you through the conversation in advance, offering mock interviews and generating tailored questions based on the job and industry. 

Interview.ai offers a mix of technical and situational questions to prepare users comprehensively. Which can be helpful if you’re new to something like this or haven’t done it in a while.  

It’s like having a personal interview coach powered by AI.  

Opus Clip 

So many of us are using video in our businesses, but what about making the most of those videos? Que: Opus Clip. 

Using AI-generated platforms, it breaks down long videos into multiple shorter, digestible clips that you can use on social media or in your email campaigns.  

This is an extremely useful tool.  

Say you sat down to film a YouTube video, now that one video can go up and be used to create TikTok clips or YouTube Shorts. All useful for promoting your main video and your business. 

And there you have it – a comprehensive rundown of some of the best AI tools that can help supercharge your business in 2024.  

The future is now and embracing these AI solutions can unlock new levels of productivity and innovation.  

Check out our last video! ➡️ Business IT Resolutions for a Successful 2024

Need help implementing AI in your business? Feel free to set up a call with one of our expert technicians via the Calendly link below. We’d be happy to discuss a plan with you.

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute meeting with Stan Kats, our Founder and Chief Technologist.

STG IT Consulting Group proudly provides IT Services for Small to Medium Businesses in Greater Los Angeles. We’d love to see if we can help you too!

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